Here are a bunch of Newsies related vids for you to watch. :) Some are from set/movie itself, others are videos that my friends and I filmed, and a few are ones that I made and edited. I hope you like!------------------------------
These are Newsies related music videos that were made by me! I hope to make more in the future... if you've got ideas, please let me know. :)
We're Not Gonna Take it
The following videos are real snippets from what happened on the set of Newsies. They were all filmed, and cut together by Kevin Stea himself, and he was nice enogh to share them with us on the wonderful world of YouTube. His YouTube account name is kevinstea, so drop him a line of "thanks" sometime. :) So basically, I obviously don't take ANY credit for these. I just posted them on here because I believe they are a must see for Newsie fans, and I recieved about a million e-mails asking me to do so! (Thanks to those of you who told me about the vids. I'm sorry I never got a chance to e-mail each of you back personally.)
And just for the knowledge of those who have not yet seen Blood Drips Heavily on Newsies Square, THESE ARE NOT CLIPS FROM THE NEWSIES SPOOF, BLOOD DRIPS. These are purely backstage clips. You can purchase Blood Drips at
Newsies Backstage part 1
The actors from Newsies goofing around and getting ready to get on the bus that will take them to the Newsies set. Filmed and edited by Kevin Stea, (aka Swifty).
Newsies Backstage part 2
The actors from Newsies on their way to the Newsies set on the Universal Studios backlot for the first time. One of the choreographers, Peggy Holmes, gives a speech. Filmed and edited by Kevin Stea, (aka Swifty).
Newsies Backstage part 3
The actors from Newsies practicing part of the "Carrying the Banner" choreography on the Newsies set for the first time. Filmed and edited by Kevin Stea, (aka Swifty).
Behold, the Newsies Parody my friends and I filmed inside of Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure parks in the summer of 2004. We filmed the entire thing in one day, which is pretty impressive I think. (I even taught everyone the dances on the spot, so that's why we look like chickens with our heads cut off... that and none of us can dance ^^;; -- hey, it's supposed to be a parody.) I roped my sister (who plays Skittery and Sarah) and her boyfriend at the time (now her husband) Mikee (who was Jack) into being in it, and I think they both did an amazing job for not being obsessed with the movie. :D Those were fun times.
It was hilarious filming this because tourists in the parks wondered what the heck we were doing. We only had a tiny tape recorder for our source of music, so we pretty much had to sing everything out loud with the tape recorder to be able to tell what part in the song it was at. That made us look even more crazy. (As you can see in the bloopers, the tape recorder fell out of my pocket during The World Will Know and broke... leaving us pretty much screwed for that song. lol) So we were dressed weird, singing off key, and dancing like freaks. I can understand why people would stare. :)
I hope you guys enjoy it. It is pretty crazy.
Newsies: The Musical Parody part 1
Newsies: The Musical Parody part 2
Newsies: The Musical Parody part 3
Newsies: The Musical Parody part 4
Newsies: The Musical Parody part 5
As I'm sure you can already tell, my friends and I love making Newsies themed movies. ^^;; This is the second of full Newsies movies, but this one is based heavily off of Blood Drips on Newsies Square. If you've seen Blood Drips (the orignal with the actual Newsies) you'll totally understand everything. If not, I think you may still find it funny. ;) (hopefully... haha)
Ours Blood Drips parody is called "Blood Drips on G100" and it takes place in the year 2005, back when we performed our Newsies show for Winterguard. (but most of it was actually filmed in '08) The plot of the movie is that one girl named Kim (and this part really happened) tried out for the Newsies team, aka the "A Guard," and didn't make it. So in our movie Kim (played by my friend, Chippy) goes on a killing spree knocking off one member of the team at a time.
Trailer for Blood Drips on G100
Blood Drips on G100 part 3
These little videos are my BABIES. (haha, not really) But I put sooo much time and effort into them, and it makes me really happy that the fans that have seen them have loved them. <3 These were based off of the Japanese created Caramelldansen dance (to a Swedish song... imagine that.) All of the artwork took for-freaking-ever to make, but I tried to make each Newsie look unique and like their personality. I hope you like! :D
Newsies Meets Caramelldansen (Full Version)
From my Newsies themed Winterguard perfomance to Newsies in a different language... this section is definitely just for random vids. ^^;;
Newsies Winterguard Performance
My high school Winterguard performance of Newsies!
Foreign King of New York
King of New York in a different language. :O